Sanjay Mehta
Sanjay MehtaConsultant

Sanjay is a Consultant with McGhee Productivity. Based in Singapore, he is a masterful and engaging facilitator, in both virtual and in-person settings, and facilitates courses for McGhee clients throughout Asia. He has an extensive background in consulting, technology, talent management, and leadership. He is a natural problem solver and loves serving people in their work and personal lives.

Sanjay spent the first 20 years of his career in the technology world, including nearly a decade at Microsoft. In addition to working with McGhee, he also owns his own successful consulting firm in Singapore, delivering leadership and talent development. He has a degree in Computer Science and Economics from Indiana University Bloomington and is certified in various psychometric tools such as MBTI, Workplace Big5 and Emergenetics. He is a certified coach by the Neuroleadership Institute, as well as a Lego SeriousPlay Facilitator.

Productivity for me means that I have a balance between my work goals and life goals. Not having the feeling of overwhelm and stress while pursuing my priorities. Accomplishing whatever I set out to do on a daily basis.

I enjoy reading leadership and management related books, tinkering with technology, and traveling and spending time outdoors in nature.