If you spend your day in Outlook for Windows, here are five simple ways to increase your productivity:
1. Use Task Folders – If you’re still using categories for your Task lists, you’re missing out on being able to seamlessly sync lists to the Microsoft To Do app on mobile. Our new Take Back Your Life! course only teaches the folder method now. Audit the course or walk yourself through the free setup instructions. 2. Use Save Sent Item Option – Do you ever find yourself digging through your Sent folder trying to find an email that belongs in a specific topic or project folder? You can save a step by automatically saving it to a folder when you send the email, instead of having it go to Sent Items. Next time you create an email, choose Options > Save Sent Item To > and choose a target folder. 3. Open to the Calendar First – If you get lost in the vortex of email as soon as you open Outlook in the morning, change the default to open to your calendar instead. It’s a great way to set your priorities for the day. Go to File > Options > Advanced > and change start selection to the Calendar. 4. Use Shortcut Keys – Save time by learning a few essential shortcut keys for things to do every day. See the full list of shortcuts for all versions of Outlook here. 5. See Tasks with Due Dates on Your Calendar – The Daily Task List pulls over your tasks that have due dates into a window on the bottom of your calendar. Open your calendar. Go to View > Daily Task List > Normal. Digital fluency in your tools is a key to productivity. Mastering essential features can make a big impact on how quickly and easily you can move through your day. |