Have you ever been in a meeting that should have been a good use of everyone’s time, but fell off the rails? Who is to blame? The participants have a role in that, but the leader is the most important role in a meeting. Here are six tips for being an effective meeting leader:
- Share the agenda ahead of time – Send out the agenda beforehand, in the meeting invite, so attendees know what to expect. Lack of agenda is the number one complaint we hear from clients these days.
- Watch for topic hijackers – Create a parking lot for topics and issues that will derail the purpose of the meeting.
- Manage time – End on time or get consensus from the group that it’s OK to go over the expected time.
- Take breaks – Resist the temptation to run longer than 90 minutes without a break. Give attendees a break from thinking/listening/being on camera.
- Give everyone a voice – Strive to engage everyone. Don’t let the talkative ones take control of the meeting, especially virtually.
- Capture decisions and actions – Be sure actions and decisions are captured coming out of the meeting through meeting notes or a Teams channel.
Want more strategies for your meetings? Check out our one-hour Meeting Essentials and two-hour Making Meetings More Productive Using Microsoft Teams courses in our Catalog.